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For those loyal readers that noticed there was no post this evening, we do apologize. We stayed up late and had an exhausting day in the very best of ways. We did arrive safely back in Seoul, returned our rent car, and immediately set off exploring the city. 

After miles of wandering and discovery, we got hungry enough to eat.  This city is bustling, to put it ridiculously mildly, and we needed a quiet and mild place to escape for dinner. We ate at the top of the UNESCO building headquarters at a lovely Italian restaurant overlooking madness. The decor was welcoming and calming, but we couldn’t help but notice that their little library separating our table from the next had an oddly curated selection and that every title was identical.

We did try to make our picture taking subtle. In the “leave no trace” theory of exploration, we don’t want our kind hosts to get curious and translate their book titles. We have discovered on this trip that we love Koreans exactly and completely just the way they are. 

In other urgent news, Jane devastated Joel at Fussball tonight, being a Jedi master at it after having played nearly every school day (after school) from age 3.5 to the 4th grade.  Now after reading until way too late, we are all off to bed before we explore Seoul again tomorrow. 


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