You’ll need a Visa to visit North Korea.

We are packed and ready to go, but this morning we hit our first travel snag. American Airlines would’t let us check in. It said we weren’t “allowed to check in for this location, referring us to the agent in the terminal”. After an unsuccessful call to AA, we decided to drive to the airport to sort this out tonight before our early morning departure time. 

Luckily the terminal was empty and the AA management had full focus on our problem. After lots of clicking, she said she just needed to clear up the visa requirements. That was holding up our boarding passes. I replied that I didn’t believe there to be visa requirements for Korea. If there was any two allies on this planet, US and Korea were the two.  She was very confused by the screen because she read there were visa requirements. Finally, she figured it out. “Are you going to North Korea? Because you’ll need to have a Visa and travel documents.”  She betrayed no deep understanding of what a bizarre question that is. How could a woman holding our 3 American passports traveling to Seoul could truly even wonder if we were planning travel to North Korea.

“No, we will absolutely not be going to North Korea. In fact, we will do everything in our power to prevent such an incident.”

“Oh, okay. Then no visa requirements. I’ll print your boarding passes.”

And that’s the story of how American Airlines confused North Korea and South Korea and wouldn’t board us until we straightened it out.

Off to bed now for a 0500 departure for the airport. Thanks Pop for being our Uber!  


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