It’s got something to do with a Monkey, Bieber, and Germany…

 We roamed around the Grand Canyon resort this evening, shopping, looking at museum exhibits, and marveling at the view. 

The Thunderbird Lodge, Our Hotel

We believe our hotel to be the best one, no joking.  It’s in the center of everything.  The rooms are retro cute, very clean, and have amazing second story views of the canyon.  

We’d like to update you an interaction we had in a park store.  Carmen and I both distinctly heard a woman say, “Thank you Justin” in the Grand Canyon Marketplace. We have become Beliebers that Justin WAS on the flight to Flagstaff, not the flight to Ontario.  We are keeping an eye out for him.  We also learned that Joel calls him “The Bieb”, which we all thought was too familiar, as if they went to high school together (Beth), were college roommates (Carmen), or have worked with him (Jane).  Either way, we are prepared to make friends with the Bieb to ask him that important question, “Why are you seen without a shirt so often?”  We also tried to narrow down whether Bieber adopted a monkey and abandoned it in a hotel I Germany, or whether his monkey was illegal and German officials confiscated it.  Nobody wanted to pull out a device to confirm, so we just know it has something to do with The Bieb, a monkey and Germany.

We ate dinner at El Tovar, a fine dining establishment on the rim directly adjacent to our hotel. It wasn’t bad, and we had a spectacular time. We talked a lot about Caesar, Vines, and Inspector Gadget. We tried to not be too joyous and loud, to avoid annoying the very dull crowd in the restaurant.

Carmen’s teacher was excited that Carmen was coming to Grand Canyon Park and asked her to pick up brochures to use in the National Park discussions for class.  Carmen got those and a package of stickers, one for each national park. Each sticker is that national park’s logo. There are 68 parks so she was plenty to share with everyone. 

We are off to bed early, after a long exciting day. Tomorrow we get up very early to go to Monument Valley for the eclipse. We are hoping for clear skies!


  1. Sounds like a fun memory making kind of day!!

  2. I need some mention of an update about what Jane and Carmen are getting me for my special souvenir that I gave them specific cash for.

    Also, this blog is ezcelle t. Keep posting.


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